The most elegant and secure way to display your firearms / weapons!
NOR-LYX Lockable Firearm Display Rack™ / Classic 1 Weapon rack (Gun Safe Lock, Shot Lock, Security Lock, Gun Safety) – The only display system for firearms / weapons that is approved for public areas and trade fairs.

Included hardware:
NOR-LYX Lockable Firearm Display Rack™ / Classic 1 weapon rack (WR1)
1) Lock part
2) Body
3) Pipe holder with bending protection
4) 2 keys
Follow the lead of Holland & Holland, Merkel, Sabatti, Browning, Kalashnikov, Rizzini Chapuis Armes, SAUER and many more: use our patented NOR-LYX Lockable Firearm Display Rack™ / Classic 1 weapon rack (gun safe lock, shot lock, security lock, gun safety) to showcase your weapons.
The NOR-LYX Classic 1 Weapon rack system is fully flexible and expandable, which means that you can use it to display a single weapon or as many as you want. The choice is yours! Gun rack for wall is a secure way to display your weapons. If you wish to order multiple locks, they can be ordered all key alike for easy management.
A lockable firearm / weapon holder / display rack (gun safe lock, shot lock, security lock, gun safety) for long and short weapons. The holder is produced in steel with a cover of synthetic material and gives protection and storage for your weapon. If you buy several holders they can be combined with the same key. Covered assemble board with to inherited keys.


Nor-Lyx is looking for distributors
Nor-Lyx is now looking for new weapon lock importers/distributors in U.S.A, Canada, Europe, Asia and Middle East.
Please contact us for further information. Mail to:
Classical instruction videos how to assemble on wall a WR1 for one weapon and a WR5 for 5 weapons